"MATILDA - European Master in Women's and Gender History" (Joint Degree)

A consortium of 5 institutions from 5 countries proposes a specialised Joint MA-Degree (120 ECTS) in women's and gender history. This approach to historical studies has been established as innovative and productive. Yet permanent cooperation between European Universities, as well as the European dimension of women’s and gender history are not sufficiently developed. The proposed programme takes the Bologna process as an opportunity to anchor women’s and gender history locally and on a European level in the curriculum of the discipline.

MATILDA supports integrative perspectives, which go beyond local, regional, and national histories, and situate these histories, as well as European history as a whole, in broader contexts. With its focus on comparative, entangled and transnational history, it aims at exploring the history of gender differences and similarities in European cultures and societies, and the role of gender in shaping European history. In terms of dissemination in society, the programme aims at challenging gender inequalities.

The programme focuses on students who wish to develop expertise in women’s and gender history as well as in European history and who are interested in intercultural exchange and competences. Local and transnational education will be combined with student and faculty mobility. Intensive Program-mes should strengthen the cooperation between the participating students and teachers. Transparency and comparability of acquired qualifications will be assured by using the European Credit Transfer System and Diploma Supplement. Supranational qualification assurance mechanisms will assure a European dimension to the project.

Some facts and figures:


Coordinating InstitutionUniversity of Vienna
Rector Prof. Dr. Georg Winckler
Coordinators + ContactProf. Dr. Carola Sachse (carola.sachse@univie.ac.atcarola.sachse@univie.ac.at)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christa Hämmerle (christa.ehrmann-haemmerle@univie.ac.atchrista.ehrmann-haemmerle@univie.ac.at) (curriculum coordinator)
Partners- Central European University (CEU) –
Prof. Dr. Susan Zimmermann, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Allaine Cerwonka
- Universitè Lumière Lyon 2 –
Prof. Dr. Sylvie Schweitzer, Prof. Dr. Ann-Marie Sohn
- University of Nottingham –
Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Harvey, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rossano Balzaretti
- Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski –
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krassimira Dascalova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniela Koleva
Duration3 years
Estimated Eligible BudgetEUR 239.908,00
Community Grant AwardedEUR 179.635,00


Contact: Maria Schmidt-Dengler (Project Assistant, Vienna) matilda.history[at]univie.ac.at

Faculty University of Vienna

Visit "DieUniversitaet-online.at" for a German article on MATILDA project!

Visit the MATILDA website!